
How to change your username or password

Reset your password or retrieve your username:

  1. If you have forgotten your username or your password,点击 on 忘记了用户名或密码?

  2. If you have forgotten your password, select 个人账户,输入 用户名 和 出生日期,点击 重置密码 按照提示操作.

  3. If you have forgotten your username,输入 either your primary 电子邮件地址 or 电话号码. 点击 发送 让你的用户名发送给你.

*注意: Once you receive your username, you may go through the 重置密码 process if you have also forgotten your password.

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    1. If you know your username 和 password but wish to change either one or both, log into 电子银行.

    2. 点击 your profile icon to access user settings.

    3. 点击 安全.

    4. 在 ID & 密码 选项卡上,选择 更改用户名 or 更改密码 按照提示操作.

    用户名: 必须是8-32个字符长吗 和 cannot include special characters

    密码: 必须是8-32个字符长吗, contain at least one upper case letter 和 one number, 和 can include special characters (!, &%等。.)

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    How to add an account from another institution

      添加 an account via instant verification:

      1. Log into 电子银行 和 click 转帐.

      2. 在“新建传输”中单击 添加外部帐号. 另外,从 外部账户,点击 添加账户.

      3. 从下拉菜单中选择a 交货方法 验证代码,单击 请求的代码.

      4. 进入 code you received in the 验证码 字段并单击 下一个.

      5. 阅读并同意 External Transfer Service Agreement,然后点击 下一个.

      6. 点击 开始 to securely link your accounts by Instant 账户 Verification.

      7. 搜索 for your financial institution or select it from the list. If you can’t find your institution, you may click 点击这里 at the bottom of the screen 手动连接您的帐户 (see next section).

      8. 输入您的 login credentials 和 click 提交.

      9. 选择一个 verification method 和 click 提交. Note: Multi-factor authentication steps may differ by institution.

      10. 输入您的 verification code 和 click 提交.

      11. If you have multiple accounts, select one or more with the toggle switch 和 click 提交.

      12. 点击 保存 (when choosing from among multiple accounts) or 完成 验证成功.

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        1. Log into 电子银行 和 click 转帐.

        2. 在“新建传输”中单击 添加外部帐号. 另外,从 外部账户,点击 添加账户.

        3. 从下拉菜单中选择a 交货方法 验证代码,单击 请求的代码.

        4. 进入 code you received in the 验证码 字段并单击 下一个.

        5. 阅读并同意 External Transfer Service Agreement,然后点击 下一个.

        6. 点击 开始 链接您的帐户.

        7. 在 bottom of the Select Institution screen,点击 点击这里 手动连接您的帐户.

        8. 搜索 for your financial institution or select it from the list. 点击 I can’t locate my financial institution if you can’t find your financial institution using the search function.

        9. 添加 外部帐户详情.
          • 进入 路由号码 你的金融机构.
          • 编辑或输入 账户昵称.
          • 输入并确认您的 帐号.
          • Select 帐户类型.
          • 点击 连接.

        10. Check your external account for two small trial deposits (which may take up to three business days to show), then return to 电子银行 和 enter the deposit amounts to complete the verification process.
          • 登入“数码银行. 点击 重新转账,然后选择 外部账户.
          • 点击 验证 next to the external account you would like to verify.
          • 进入 two small trial deposit amounts in the 存款金额1 和 存款金额2 字段.
          • 点击 验证帐户.

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          1. 登入“数码银行 和 click the three-dot ellipsis (…) to access 更多的链接.

          2. 从 更多的链接 下拉菜单,点击 电线.

          3. 输入 一次性电线 details.
            • 选择 资金账户 从下拉菜单中.
            • 进入  电汇的费用.
            • 电汇 发生 一次.
            • 选择 交付的 日期.
            • 选择 类型 从下拉菜单中选择.

          4. 输入 一次性电线 细节,继续说: 输入受益人信息. Note: The abbreviation FI st和s for Financial Institution.
            • 受益人名称
            • 帐号
            • 地址(可选)
            • 受益人FI路由号码
            • 受益人FI名称
            • 给受益人的信息(可选)

          5. 点击 审查.

          6. 一次性电线 details. 点击 编辑 进行更改.

          7. 点击 提交.

          8. 点击 打印,如果需要,则单击 完成

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          如何设置卡片控件 & 警报


          1. 登入“数码银行 和 click on your card tile from the dashboard.

          2. 点击 Details & 设置.

          3. 点击 信用卡资料. Note: The name of the primary owner of the card account will display in the card profile.

          4. 点击 注册 下 卡的偏好.

          5. Once you 注册, you will have access to both Card 控制 (i.e. 卡的偏好)及信用卡提醒. See below for information on how to manage card 警报.

          6. 点击拨动开关到 lock your card. 再次点击开关解锁.
            • 卡是 解锁 当圆圈向右时.
            • 卡是 锁着的 当圆圈向左时.

          7. 点击拨动开关到 Block 国际 In-Store Transactions. 再次单击开关以解除阻塞.

          8. 点击拨动开关到 启用商户控制.
            • 选择 merchant types you would like to allow.
            • 点击保存.

          9. 点击拨动开关到 启用事务控制.
            • 选择 transaction types you would like to allow.
            • 点击保存.

          10. 点击拨动开关到 enable 和 set 支出限制. You may choose one or both of the available spending limits.
            • 单击 每笔交易限额 框,并输入 交易限额.
            • 单击 每月限额 框,并输入 每月限额金额.
            • 点击 保存.

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          1. Log into 电子银行 和 click 管理警报.

          2. 从 订阅警报,点击 卡片.

          3. 点击 注册 if you haven’t already registered while setting up Card 控制. Once you 注册, you will have access to both Card 警报 和 Card 控制 (i.e. 卡偏好). See above for information on how to set card controls.

          4. 点击拨动开关打开 Alert me when there are In-Store 国际 Transactions. 点击拨动开关到 turn off the alert.

          5. 点击拨动开关打开 Alert me for these type(s) of merchant transactions.

          6. 单击 switch again to turn off the alert.
            • 选择 type(s) of merchant transactions for which you would like an alert.
            • 点击 保存.

          7. 点击拨动开关打开 Alert me for these type(s) of transactions. 单击 switch again to turn off the alert.
            • 选择 type(s) of transactions for which you would like an alert.
            • 点击 保存.

          8. 点击拨动开关打开 Alert me when I exceed the following spending limits: 单击 switch again to turn off the alert. You may choose one or both of the available spending limits.
            • 单击 每笔交易限额 框,并输入 交易限额.
            • 单击 每月限额 框,并输入 每月限额金额.
            • 点击 保存.

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          1. 登入“数码银行 和 click the three-dot ellipsis (…) to access 更多的链接.

          2. 从 更多的链接 下拉菜单,单击 旅行注意.

          3. 这就引出了 旅行注意 细节屏幕.
            • 选择卡片 账户 从下拉菜单中.
            • 单击 radio button for the type of travel: 国内(航空旅行)国内(公路旅游), or 国际.
            • 输入您的 目的地.
            • 联系电话 和 联系邮箱 列出.
            • 选择一个 开始日期 和一个 结束日期.
            • 输入 笔记 (可选).

          4. 点击 提交.

          5. Your travel notice for the selected card has been submitted. 点击 添加另一个旅行通知 附加卡.

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